Welcome I-PhD project student Yuvraj Singh! (December 2019)
Welcome I-PhD project student Yuvraj Singh! (December 2019)

Soft Matter Theory and Computation Group
@IISER Tirupati

Anomalous behavior of supercooled liquids

Self-assembly at nanoscales
Target Structure
Self-assembling agents

Effective interaction?
Phase transition in equilibrium and driven systems

Order parameter
Order parameter

Surrey et al., Science, 2001
Dynamics on complex free energy landscape

Englander et al. PNAS (2014)

Rakesh S. Singh
Assistant Professor
(Theoretical Chemistry/Physics)

Siddhartha Roy
I-PhD Student (Physics)
( Dec. 2021 - )

Gadha Ramesh
PhD Student (Physics)
(Aug. 2019 - )

Avani A.
Project Associate
(Oct. 2024 - )

Yuvraj Singh
I-PhD Student (Physics)
(Dec. 2019 - )
Rakesh is an Assistant Professor in Theoretical Chemistry/Physics at IISER Tirupati. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Physics with Prof. Biman Bagchi at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Prior to joining IISER Tirupati, he did postdoctoral research with Prof. Pablo Debenedetti at Princeton University (May 2014 - Sep. 2016), and with Prof. Rigoberto Hernandez at Johns Hopkins University (Oct. 2016 - Feb. 2019). His research interests include anomalous behavior of supercooled liquids, phase transition in equilibrium and driven out-of-equilibrium systems, method development for robust coarse-graining of soft matter systems, and diffusion-controlled phenomena in condensed media.

Room No. 224, Academic Block A, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh - 517507 (India).